The lives of the fathers of the deserts : and of some holy women. / Translated into English from the French of Mr. Arnauld Dandilly by J.M. 1757.


The lives of the fathers of the deserts : and of some holy women. / Translated into English from the French of Mr. Arnauld Dandilly by J.M. 1757.

Manuscript of Arnauld d'Andilly's Lives of the fathers translated into English by "J.M.," whose identity is unknown. J.M. was most likely the writer of this volume in addition to being the transcriber, as there are many corrections and changes in wording to the otherwise impeccably neat text. It appears that this is perhaps only half of the translation that J.M. executed, as a bookseller's pencil notation on the front paste-down endpaper prices this at 21 shillings for two volumes, and the text itself (not to mention the spine title) implies that this is only one volume in a series. The two 19th century Irish owners of this text suggest that perhaps J.M. was also Irish.

lvi, 220, [10] p., bound ; 17.5 cm.

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Battenby, William Arthur, (person)

Spratt, John, Father, 1797-1871, (person)

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Francisan Monastery (Peckham, England), (corporateBody)